December 2015

Christamas closure

21 December 2015
MoDiP will be closed from Wednesday 23rd December 2015 until the campus opens again on the 4th January 2016. We would all like to wish you a fun Christmas break and a Happy New Year. AIBDC : 003489 Susan, Pam, Louise, Katherine The MoDiP Team
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Guess the object

18 December 2015
MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with. We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual. By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for? Post your answer in...
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A different view #26

14 December 2015
There are many ways to look at the objects in the MoDiP collection. With this series of posts I want to highlight the interesting views of objects that we may ordinarily miss. These include the underside of an object, the surface pattern, or traces of manufacturing processes. Title: Goblin 531...
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Did you know? #33

11 December 2015
Did you know that different plastics have different properties? Some plastics are valued for their insulating properties, for example, phenol formaldehyde , also known as bakelike, was used in plugs and light sockets to protect people from electrical shocks. Light socket adaptor - PHSL : 322 Two-pin...
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BXL photographic archive #0095

7 December 2015
In 2010, MoDiP was donated a large archive of images relating to a single company. Bakelite Xylonite Ltd, also known as British Xylonite Ltd or BXL, was possibly one of the first British firms to successfully manufacture a plastics material in commercial quantities. The company was established in...
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What is this?

4 December 2015
MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with. We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual. By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for? Post your answer in...
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Reflecting upon a year as Student Writer in Residence

2 December 2015
MoDiP has given me a year of extraordinary opportunities, in more ways than I can mention here. Write poetry, they said and write poetry I did. What better gift can you give a poet? I am a creative writer, a poet, I am a researcher, I am a doctoral candidate and I am tasked with finding my way...
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