Plastics: Just a Load of Rubbish?: Re-Evaluating Plastic and its Role in Saving the Environment


Chrysostomou, A., 2023. Plastics: Just a Load of Rubbish?: Re-Evaluating Plastic and its Role in Saving the Environment. Hero, London. This book covers the following: Preface - 1. Why are we so set against plastic?: The influence of the media - 2. A short history: where did it all start? - 3. Categorising these materials; the sciency bit - 4. The language around plastics, from media to marketers - 5. To BPA or not to BPA - 6. When is a bioplastic not a bioplastic? - 7. Packaging - 8. Construction and building - 9. Electrical/electronic - 10. Transport - 11. Good to be green? - 12. Then and now: some better uses and some hidden uses - 13. Go compare - choosing plastic or an alternative - 14. Cleaning up our act - 15. Conclusion - Further reading - Endnotes - Acknowledgements.

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