Throwaway: The History of a Modern Crisis


Dupont, C., Goncalves, S., Teworte, E. (Eds.), 2022. Throwaway: The History of a Modern Crisis. House of European History, Luxembourg. This book covers the following: Foreword by Hans-Gert Pottering and Miguel Angel Martinez Martinez - Old and new, past and present by Constanze Itzel - Why museums need to talk rubbish! by Sharon Macdonald - From rubbish to throwaway: some reflections on a challenging project by Christine Dupont - Object stories - The discarder, the archaeologist and the ragpicker: the art of making remnants talk by Baptiste Monsaingeon - Object stories - Waste storage, disposal and reuse in Roman times by Alessia Contino - Object stories - Municipal waste: from reuse to dumping, late 18th century to early 21st century by Sabine Barles - Object stories - Recycling, remaking and reusing in 20th-century Europe: From a culture of thrift to one of abundance by Heike Weber - Object stories - Waste history from beyond the iron curtain by Zsuzsa Gille - Waste/art by John Scanlan - Object stories - Re-centring Africa and Africans in the e-wasteocene by Peter C. Little - Waste in progress: how to make a circular exhibition about (and with) waste by Basurama- Monica Gutierrez Herrero and Manuel Polanco Perez-Llantada - Object stories - Tour des poubelles en 50 recits : Conversations de terrain, pour une histoire a plusieurs voix by Ana Salvador et Tatiana Tumashik - Object stories - Stories from the waste land(s): Making an exhibition from the material culture of rubbish by Kieran Burns - Object stories - Europe & waste: Museums working together by Blandine Smilansky - Reflecting, sharing, changing: Throwaway and museum activism by Laia Puig i Espar - Developing an audience approach for the exhibition by Emma Bugelli.

Object number

MoDiPL : 0606



